Barren Box Swamp Project
The Barren Box Swamp (BBS) Project was a wetland project jointly initiated by Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd and Water for Rivers.
The development will assist in the return of environmental flows to the Snowy River and the Murray River system and was classified as State Significant development, requiring approval by the NSW Minister of Planning prior to construction.
Very strict environmental controls were required to limit potential impact on Aboriginal cultural heritage, air and ground water quality, and containment of the noxious Alligator Weed.

Grain Bunkers
This project is being undertaken for the Australian Wheat Board at Nyngan.
126,000 m² of road and pavement works are in the process of completion for the construction of four wheat storage bunkers and site roads. Works also include the installation of drainage works, building pads and retention ponds.
Equipment used in this project included our Cat 12H grader, Cat 637E scrapers and our laser land-levelling tractors.

Graincorp site Narrabri
Work involves demolishing an existing weighbridge that has only about a 15 metre deck and excavating and placing a gravel foundation to facilitate the installation of a 40 metre deck.

Moree Water Ski Park
In November 2014, Wilde Civil commenced work as the Principal Contractor on the Moree Water Ski Lakes Project. This project involved the earthworks and associated structures for two water ski lakes, both 800 metres long and were built in compliance with International and Australian water skiing standards. The third lake is 1.2 km long, over 200 metres wide and designed as a circuit lake for a wide range of water sports.
Wilde Civil completed all earthworks on-time and to the satisfaction of the Client, including additional work supplementary to the contract, in June 2015.
Wilde Civil is proud to have played a significant role in this project (besides being a local contractor!) this project has been a solution to an ongoing environmental issue for the town, in the disposal of spent artesian water from the local aquatic centre. Historically the water has been pumped directly into the Mehi River, which the Environmental Protection Authority opposed and demanded a new disposal method be found; thereby the idea for the Water Ski Lakes was born.